Sunday 27 March 2011

A day in the past

Every one wants to be happy in life!
We all have a past that we have had in our lifes.
The difficuties that we have had be in finances, relationships, education, careers and job.And we all at some point in time learn to cope up with them. With great difficulty we try and pull up our socks and try to start afresh after coping with every problem that comes our way.
But a day into the past - a day when you realised that everything went wrong.. and thinking about that same past can make you really go back to tears..But the real test is to fight back that past and realising that the past happenings cannot be changed.
Easier said than done,but how do we ensure that - that past does not hamper our future?

After a lot of introspection and prayers I have been able to reason out this..

Its all about now its all about today. The day i go back into the past - it snatches away the beautiful moments that are yet to come.Yes life does throw challenges at all point in time but we have to exert ourselves to overcome these challenges
If you are true and honest to your self and if you know you have never cheated or hurt anyone ever - you can be sure that Happiness is all yours and that you will always be protected by the universe.
Realsing that everything that happens in our lifes happens with a reason and to accept it and move on is challenging.

Think about all those people around us - who are struggling for basic amenities in life... and here we are just beacuse someone has cheated on us - or we have been having a temporary financial issue or we have been faced with infedelity in life - We just want to call it quit??
is that our real mission in life?today if we have everything with us - shouldnt we realise that we have a bigger purpose to live for..

Hence when the day comes when you get into the past - always think about that bigger mission in life and it will definately make u feel happy and move on....